
00000001_00025000/2671 Index

    2671 FERRIC-ENTEROBACTIN-COMPLEX ferric enterobactin ferric enter
    obactin complex

    pdb file: 2671.pdb
    sdf file: 2671.sdf

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance comment
      TYPES - Pseudo-Compounds COMMENT - This pseudo compound stands for the complex between a ferric iron ion and enterobactin. As of June 2003, there is no other real way to represent such small molecule complexes. Invalid GenBank
      pubchem substance synonym
      FERRIC-ENTEROBACTIN-COMPLEX ferric enterobactin ferric enterobactin complex
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem genbank protein id
      115146 115147 119673 119898 119912 129151 129595 135978 135982 135983 140269 140430 401196 416728 729471 729473 729474 999673 999982 1310953 1706725 1943073 1943074 1943075 1943076 1943077 2506101 2506102 2506591 2506623 2507024 2507366 2507367 2507463 2507464 2507489 2507491 7546212 9257159 9257160 9955130 9955131 14488508 14488509 14488510 15825926 15825927 15826606 16128143 16128144 16128145 16128146 16128151 16128567 16128571 16128572 16128573 16128575 16128711 16128712 16128713 16128714 16128715 16128716 16128717 16128896 16129213 16129217 16129665 16129666 16129667 16130903 16130904 16131804 16132108 16132109 16132110 16132111 16132112 20150925 20150926 20663996 20664033 21465989 21465990 21465991 21465992 27574045 27574046 30749691 30749692 30749693 30749694 33112656
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url 2DENTEROBACTIN 2DCOMPLEX

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