
00000001_00025000/2717 Index

    2717 1-amino-propane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid 2-aminopentanedioic ac
    id 56-86-0 GLT L-glu L-glutamate L-glutamic acid alpha-amino
    glutaric acid glu glut glutacid glutamate glutaminic acid

    Smiles: O=C(O)C(N)CCC(=O)O

    pdb file: 2717.pdb
    sdf file: 2717.sdf

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance comment
      TYPES - Amino-Acids Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC 2.4.2.- Is a reactant or product of
      pubchem substance synonym
      1-amino-propane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid 2-aminopentanedioic acid 56-86-0 GLT L-glu L-glutamate L-glutamic acid alpha-aminoglutaric acid glu glut glutacid glutamate glutaminic acid
      pubchem generic registry name
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem pubmed id
      6454 15983 16890 229896 238647 241744 350858 352693 372191 1095054 1355768 1358677 1610831 1637823 1737023 1868057 1939056 1993208 2007566 2121717 2121725 2166030 2178550 2178553 2201406 2251281 2254272 2513875 2659070 2679363 2991286 3058703 3297136 3298240 3308851 3510672 3514618 3521591 3534538 3536925 3536926 3540963 3894345 3907634 4234165 4290215 4404056 4550821 4590473 4886289 4966660 5640973 6125499 6277938 6319365 6373501 7021857 7037784 7493966 7873525 7913929 7966312 8096767 8098327 8195100 8349539 8494895 8706854 8954890 9696779 9696780 10089390 10477260 10587437 12617754 12706338 15158730
      pubchem genbank protein id
      112989 114263 115627 118547 120779 121462 121769 124380 129522 129528 129534 131647 135107 136593 230414 230800 399761 417057 442597 442601 443270 493831 493832 493833 493834 493835 493836 515077 515078 515079 515080 515081 515082 515083 640141 640142 640143 640144 640145 640146 640151 640152 640153 640164 640165 729604 729605 729606 729720 730081 1127182 1127183 1127184 1127185 1127186 1127187 1127188 1127189 1127190 1127191 1127192 1127193 1168492 1169968 1169970 1171884 1310841 1310842 1310843 1310844 1311169 1311170 1311171 1311172 1311173 1311174 1943557 1943558 1943559 1943560 2492855 2494798 2495618 2506180 2506351 2506433 2506459 2507074 2507237 2507261 2507500 2851571 3114336 3114337 3114338 3114339 3114340 3114341 3114342
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url
      pubchem cid associations
      611 1

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