
00000001_00025000/2952 Index

    2952 DPNH NAD-reduced NADH NADH+H+ NADH2 dihydrodiphosphopyridine
    nucleotide dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide diphosp
    hopyridine nucleotide reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleot
    ide reduced

    Smiles: P(=O)(O)(OCC1OC(C(O)C1O)N2C=Nc3c(N)ncnc23)OP(=O)(O)OCC4OC(N5

    pdb file: 2952.pdb
    sdf file: 2952.sdf

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance comment
      TYPES - NAD(P)H Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC 1.1.1.- Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of
      pubchem substance synonym
      DPNH NAD-reduced NADH NADH+H+ NADH2 dihydrodiphosphopyridine nucleotide dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide diphosphopyridine nucleotide reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reduced
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem pubmed id
      14154 19077 40956 89843 195622 320209 325390 1100602 1551908 1633824 1650346 1766386 1840553 1917845 2007545 2007567 2104757 2121717 2166030 2194570 2198073 2199308 2227213 2512991 2521622 2644194 2644239 2647748 2684979 2698228 2699393 2990926 3029017 3040680 3122832 3129020 3298215 3309152 3512525 3531186 3540963 3920199 4297266 4351434 4351435 4402917 4402996 4889950 6183251 6336729 6345502 6345530 6361270 6365902 6384188 6395895 6421801 6425270 6756331 6780553 6793363 7009588 7011797 7018902 7024730 7751290 7756275 7768815 7928977 7945210 7966312 8119879 8265357 8387992 8399388 8440369 8550422 8567624 8755745 8759852 8993342 9022698 9098055 9109378 9260967 9283097 9603882 9657988 9658018 9696779 9696782 9922271 10225425 10406936 10510271 10544236 10587449 10651802 10652103
      pubchem genbank protein id
      113396 113602 118491 118590 118673 119371 119391 119811 120590 120648 121086 122804 129043 129056 129734 129735 134434 135560 136592 266462 266809 266810 417041 442876 443367 493858 493871 543784 585525 585830 729550 731089 732054 1127236 1127237 1168405 1176282 1421340 1421341 1421424 1421425 1421428 1421429 1711525 1730032 1730102 1827713 1827714 1827715 1827716 1943533 1943534 2492769 2494109 2494133 2494411 2498557 2499085 2506144 2506166 2506347 2506351 2506352 2506781 2506831 2506852 2506934 2506935 2506936 2506939 2506945 2506949 2506950 2506953 2506955 2506956 2506957 2506963 2506964 2507291 2507299 2507424 2833401 2914323 2914324 2914325 2914326 2914327 2914328 2914329 2914330 3023935 3023936 3025087 3183437 3183546 3334437 3402005 3913108
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url
      pubchem cid associations
      928 1

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