
00000001_00025000/2954 Index

    2954 NADP(H) NADP-red NADP-reduced NADPH NADPH+H+ NADPH2 TPNH dih
    ydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate dihydronicot
    inamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reduced dihydronicoti
    namide adenine dinucleotide-P dihydrotriphosphopyridine nucl
    eotide dihydrotriphosphopyridine nucleotide reduced

    Smiles: P(=O)(O)(O)OC1C(O)C(COP(=O)(O)OP(=O)(O)OCC2OC(N3C=CCC(=C3)C(

    pdb file: 2954.pdb
    sdf file: 2954.sdf

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance comment
      TYPES - NAD(P)H Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of
      pubchem substance synonym
      NADP(H) NADP-red NADP-reduced NADPH NADPH+H+ NADPH2 TPNH dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reduced dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-P dihydrotriphosphopyridine nucleotide dihydrotriphosphopyridine nucleotide reduced
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem pubmed id
      7783 30756 36376 234966 241744 350870 729581 1325799 1334413 1446003 1551908 1569081 1601132 1633824 1748668 1979442 2007571 2034230 2043135 2108144 2185835 2198073 2199308 2241146 2506179 2614264 2666412 2673216 2861202 2904262 3037232 3060113 3062177 3152490 3305505 4150391 4151453 4155957 4365537 4384650 4385322 6102909 6102910 6102911 6269632 6315690 6319365 6329757 6363415 6373501 6378898 6389540 6401279 6759504 6814484 7476354 7517390 7557016 7588767 7589518 7602590 7635836 7657631 7821669 7864626 7875569 7893663 7913929 7961651 8022841 8046753 8119879 8132544 8136348 8246839 8292013 8360156 8399332 8436123 8448160 8449868 8530465 8612736 8619637 8755878 8759852 8910376 9022698 9153434 9316878 9346310 9440535 9465114 9473059 9558350 9630650 9634533 9653161 9683613
      pubchem genbank protein id
      114139 114189 117197 118141 118510 118547 118974 119391 120500 120777 121674 123413 124171 124377 127535 130969 131763 136404 140252 230885 230995 230996 231037 231129 231153 231205 231216 231252 231262 231302 231328 266809 266810 399486 416596 493970 493971 493972 493973 493978 493979 493980 493981 494666 494769 494770 494870 494871 576181 585126 585554 585830 730007 730008 730195 732053 809418 809419 809420 809421 809422 809423 809424 809425 809432 809433 996100 1064999 1065000 1065002 1065003 1065007 1065008 1065299 1065300 1065306 1065307 1169968 1169970 1176118 1311369 1311370 1311371 1311372 1421105 1421106 1421621 1421628 1421633 1421639 1706269 1827629 1827631 1941993 1941994 1941995 1941996 1941997 1942006
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url
      pubchem cid associations
      930 1

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