
00000001_00025000/3082 Index

    3082 14265-44-2 HPO4-2 HPO42- PO43- Pi inorganic phosphate orthop
    hosphate phosphate phosphate-inorganic

    Smiles: P(O)(O)(O)=O

    pdb file: 3082.pdb
    sdf file: 3082.sdf

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance comment
      TYPES - Phosphates Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC 2.4.2.- Is a reactant or product of
      pubchem substance synonym
      14265-44-2 HPO4-2 HPO42- PO43- Pi inorganic phosphate orthophosphate phosphate phosphate-inorganic
      pubchem generic registry name
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem pubmed id
      4319 9387 12952 16751 26682 42643 89843 229896 235429 238647 324991 344312 346557 353051 361729 364472 367781 372184 681347 793638 1095054 1108614 1309518 1310094 1310524 1355089 1512209 1512252 1512253 1525473 1540581 1648777 1651549 1658595 1677907 1682920 1707683 1737023 1765076 1765093 1829729 1907846 1908015 1929424 1939056 1939236 1943696 1974462 1993184 2007585 2061308 2141983 2153660 2160278 2182115 2186811 2199449 2404765 2407239 2536742 2567108 2644187 2659070 2674127 2841129 2846510 2861202 2903857 2969724 2990926 3005231 3007936 3009224 3015935 3031017 3047129 3053664 3072022 3121621 3122852 3276677 3284585 3514618 3518706 3530323 3536925 3536926 3910843 4218228 4289188 4349042 4362677 4365537 4550759 4563643 4865311 4878694 4878695 4939760
      pubchem genbank protein id
      113524 114104 114105 114139 114181 114183 114190 114195 114220 114366 114368 114442 114546 114580 114618 114639 114846 115146 115147 115148 115607 115627 118148 118163 118165 118407 118446 118473 118510 118906 119673 119724 119898 119912 121394 121395 121397 121423 121663 123158 125964 126695 126698 127066 127536 127537 127538 129151 129264 129595 129945 130093 130094 130095 130366 130689 130690 130691 130735 130752 130787 130990 130992 130994 131443 131444 131445 131446 131625 131647 132119 132121 134423 134438 135028 135813 135978 135980 135982 135983 136740 136748 136751 140269 140430 229664 229665 229666 229667 229680 229685 229687 229694 230425 230426 230427 230428 230430 230520
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url
      pubchem cid associations
      1061 1 1004 2

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