
00000001_00025000/3231 Index

    3231 7732-18-5 H20 H2O WATER hydrogen oxide

    Smiles: O

    pdb file: 3231.pdb
    sdf file: 3231.sdf

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance comment
      TYPES - Unclassified-Compounds Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC 1.14.3.- Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of enzyme EC Is a reactant or product of
      pubchem substance synonym
      7732-18-5 H20 H2O WATER hydrogen oxide
      pubchem generic registry name
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem pubmed id
      6454 6463 9387 12952 26682 30756 42643 100348 211976 229896 235694 240818 241744 321031 324806 324991 329866 330521 330534 334770 334771 346557 346589 350870 357905 361719 361729 369607 372032 372191 374409 765747 1100621 1254556 1309518 1310094 1310524 1311056 1334402 1339425 1358677 1390751 1396671 1435259 1446003 1459137 1463470 1522882 1525473 1567839 1567863 1624451 1645722 1648777 1650346 1651549 1658595 1665332 1677907 1737023 1740425 1747120 1748668 1765093 1778429 1829729 1833189 1840553 1850294 1851162 1851953 1868088 1899027 1907846 1917829 1917845 1918057 1974462 2001993 2005135 2007571 2007585 2013569 2037573 2043135 2043633 2139796 2141983 2153660 2160278 2162835 2165018 2166030 2172214 2174699 2180922 2180924 2180957 2190093
      pubchem genbank protein id
      113158 113498 113524 113602 113726 114068 114104 114105 114142 114190 114195 114220 114251 114252 114256 114263 114366 114368 114442 114546 114580 114618 114639 114885 114939 115011 115146 115147 115148 115607 115627 115722 116049 116845 117197 118042 118071 118072 118073 118074 118075 118141 118148 118163 118165 118224 118244 118308 118473 118477 118491 118547 118699 118791 118906 118953 119372 119673 119724 119811 119898 119912 120040 120451 120598 120601 120648 120777 121394 121395 121397 121418 121423 121769 122848 123158 124373 125964 126695 126698 126717 126769 127030 127031 127066 127558 127800 127833 127838 129151 129595 129736 129945 130050 130093 130094 130095 130366 130689
      pubchem genbank nucleotide id
      2392081 5822479 5822480 24987834 24987836
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url
      pubchem cid associations
      962 1

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