
00050001_00075000/57588 Index

    57588 500-28-7 BAY 22190 Bayer 22/190 Chloorthion Chlorothion Chlo
    rthion Chlorthion methyl Chlortion Compound 22/190 Dimethyl
    3-chloro-4-nitrophenyl thionophosphate Ent 18,861 Methyl chl
    orothion NSC8927 O,O-Dimethyl O-(3-chloro-4-nitrophenyl) pho
    sphorothioate O,O-Dimethyl O-(3-chloro-4-nitrophenyl) thioph
    osphate O,O-Dimethyl O-4-nitro-3-chlorophenyl thiophosphate
    O,O-Dimethyl p-nitro-m-chlorophenyl thiophosphate O,O-Dimeth
    yl-O-(3-chlor-4-nitrophenyl)-monothiophosphat O,O-Dimethyl-O
    -3-chlor-4-nitrofenyltiofosfat O-(3-Chlor-4-nitro-phenyl)-O,
    O-dimethyl-monothiophosphat O-(3-Chloro-4-nitro-fenyl)-O,O-d
    imethyl-monothiofosfaat O-(3-Chloro-4-nitrophenyl) O,O-dimet
    hyl phosphorothioate O-(3-Cloro-4-nitro-fenil)-O,O-dimetil-m
    onotiofosfato OMS 217 Phenol, 3-chloro-4-nitro-, 0-ester wit
    h 0,0-dimethyl phosphorothioate Phosphorothioic acid, O-(3-c
    hloro-4-nitrophenyl) O,O-dimethyl ester Thiophosphate de O,O
    -dimethyle et de O-3-chloro-4-nitrophenyle WLN: WNR BG DOPS&
    O1&O1 p-Nitro-m-chlorophenyl dimethyl thionophosphate

    Smiles: Clc1cc(ccc1N(O)=O)OP(=S)(OC)OC

    pdb file: 57588.pdb
    sdf file: 57588.sdf

    Please note: images may show incorrect connectivity due to improper geometry. We will be working to improve this situation. For now, the left image should be correct, and the other two are correct, if they match the first.

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance comment
      DTP/NCI from molfile. Release-June 2007. Structure Evaluation:Consistent with Molecular Formula. Deposition record created from database webdb on host on Feb 22, 2008
      pubchem substance synonym
      500-28-7 BAY 22190 Bayer 22/190 Chloorthion Chlorothion Chlorthion Chlorthion methyl Chlortion Compound 22/190 Dimethyl 3-chloro-4-nitrophenyl thionophosphate Ent 18,861 Methyl chlorothion NSC8927 O,O-Dimethyl O-(3-chloro-4-nitrophenyl) phosphorothioate O,O-Dimethyl O-(3-chloro-4-nitrophenyl) thiophosphate O,O-Dimethyl O-4-nitro-3-chlorophenyl thiophosphate O,O-Dimethyl p-nitro-m-chlorophenyl thiophosphate O,O-Dimethyl-O-(3-chlor-4-nitrophenyl)-monothiophosphat O,O-Dimethyl-O-3-chlor-4-nitrofenyltiofosfat O-(3-Chlor-4-nitro-phenyl)-O,O-dimethyl-monothiophosphat O-(3-Chloro-4-nitro-fenyl)-O,O-dimethyl-monothiofosfaat O-(3-Chloro-4-nitrophenyl) O,O-dimethyl phosphorothioate O-(3-Cloro-4-nitro-fenil)-O,O-dimetil-monotiofosfato OMS 217 Phenol, 3-chloro-4-nitro-, 0-ester with 0,0-dimethyl phosphorothioate Phosphorothioic acid, O-(3-chloro-4-nitrophenyl) O,O-dimethyl ester Thiophosphate de O,O-dimethyle et de O-3-chloro-4-nitrophenyle
      WNR BG DOPS&O1&O1 p-Nitro-m-chlorophenyl dimethyl thionophosphate
      pubchem generic registry name
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url
      pubchem cid associations
      10372 1

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