
00100001_00125000/102400 Index

    102400 .alpha.,.beta.-Dihydroxy-.gamma.-(2-methylphenoxy)propane .a
    lpha.-(o-Tolyl)glyceryl ether 1,2-Dihydroxy-3-(2-methylpheno
    xy)propane 1,2-Propanediol, 3-(2-methylphenoxy)- 1,2-Propane
    diol, 3-(o-tolyloxy)- 1-o-Tolylglycerol ether 3-(2-Methylphe
    noxy)-1,2-propanediol 3-(2-Tolyloxy)-1,2-propanediol 3-(o-Me
    thylphenoxy)-1,2-propanediol 3-(o-Tolyloxy)-1,2-propanediol
    3-(o-Tolyloxy)propane-1,2-diol 3-o-Toloxy-1,2-propanediol 59
    -47-2 A 1141 Anatensin Anxine Atensin Avesyl Avosyl Avoxil A
    voxyl BDH 312 Byk-m 1 Cresodiol Cresossidiolo Cresossipropan
    diolo Cresoxydiol Cresoxypropanediol Curaril Curarythan Cury
    than Daserd Daserol Decontractil Decontractyl Diloxol Diolox
    al Dioloxol Findolar Findolor Glukresin Glyceryl o-tolyl eth
    er Glykresin Glyotol Glytol Halabar Kinavosyl Kresoxypropand
    iol Lissenphan Lissephen Mc 2303 Mefenesina Mefensina Memphe
    nesin Mephate Mephedan Mephelor Mephenesin Mephenesine Mephe
    nsin Mepherol Mephesin Mephin Mephosal Mephson Mervaldin Mia
    nesina Miolisina Moctynol Myanesin Myanil Myanol Myasin Myas
    tenin Mycocuran Myocaine Myocuran Myodetensin Myodetensine M
    yolax Myolysin Myopan Myopen Myopna Myosera Myoserol Myoten
    Myoxane Myoxyl

    Smiles: O(CC(O)CO)c1ccccc1C

    pdb file: 102400.pdb
    sdf file: 102400.sdf

    Please note: images may show incorrect connectivity due to improper geometry. We will be working to improve this situation. For now, the left image should be correct, and the other two are correct, if they match the first.

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      pubchem total charge
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      pubchem substance comment
      DTP/NCI from molfile. Release-June 2007. Structure Evaluation:Consistent with Molecular Formula. Deposition record created from database webdb on host on Feb 22, 2008
      pubchem substance synonym
      .alpha.,.beta.-Dihydroxy-.gamma.-(2-methylphenoxy)propane .alpha.-(o-Tolyl)glyceryl ether 1,2-Dihydroxy-3-(2-methylphenoxy)propane 1,2-Propanediol, 3-(2-methylphenoxy)- 1,2-Propanediol, 3-(o-tolyloxy)- 1-o-Tolylglycerol ether 3-(2-Methylphenoxy)-1,2-propanediol 3-(2-Tolyloxy)-1,2-propanediol 3-(o-Methylphenoxy)-1,2-propanediol 3-(o-Tolyloxy)-1,2-propanediol 3-(o-Tolyloxy)propane-1,2-diol 3-o-Toloxy-1,2-propanediol 59-47-2 A 1141 Anatensin Anxine Atensin Avesyl Avosyl Avoxil Avoxyl BDH 312 Byk-m 1 Cresodiol Cresossidiolo Cresossipropandiolo Cresoxydiol Cresoxypropanediol Curaril Curarythan Curythan Daserd Daserol Decontractil Decontractyl Diloxol Dioloxal Dioloxol Findolar Findolor Glukresin Glyceryl o-tolyl ether Glykresin Glyotol Glytol Halabar Kinavosyl Kresoxypropandiol Lissenphan Lissephen Mc 2303 Mefenesina Mefensina Memphenesin Mephate Mephedan Mephelor Mephenesin Mephenesine Mephensin Mepherol Mephesin Mephin Mephosal Mephson Mervaldin Mianesina Miolisina Moctynol Myanesin Myanil Myanol Myasin Myastenin Mycocuran Myocaine Myocuran Myodetensin Myodetensine Myolax Myolysin Myopan Myopen Myopna Myosera Myoserol Myoten Myoxane Myoxyl
      pubchem generic registry name
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      4059 1

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