
00150001_00175000/158169 Index

    158169 1330-20-7 4-05-00-00951 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) 8026-
    09-3 AI3-02209-X BRN 1901563 Benzene, dimethyl- CCRIS 903 Ca
    swell No. 906 Dimethylbenzene EINECS 215-535-7 EPA Pesticide
    Chemical Code 086802 HSDB 4500 Ksylen [Polish] Methyl tolue
    ne Methyltoluene NCI-C55232 RCRA waste no. U239 RCRA waste n
    umber U239 UN 1307 Violet 3 XYLENES Xiloli [Italian] Xylene
    Xylene (mixed isomers) Xylene (o,m,p isomers) Xylene, isomer
    s Xylene, mixed Xylene, mixed isomers, pure Xylenen [Dutch]
    Xylenes (isomers and mixture) Xylenes (mixed) Xylenes, total
    Xylol Xylole [German]

    Smiles: [Xx]C.Cc1ccccc1

    pdb file: 158169.pdb
    sdf file: 158169.sdf

    Please note: images may show incorrect connectivity due to improper geometry. We will be working to improve this situation. For now, the left image should be correct, and the other two are correct, if they match the first.

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance synonym
      1330-20-7 4-05-00-00951 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) 8026-09-3 AI3-02209-X BRN 1901563 Benzene, dimethyl- CCRIS 903 Caswell No. 906 Dimethylbenzene EINECS 215-535-7 EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 086802 HSDB 4500 Ksylen [Polish] Methyl toluene Methyltoluene NCI-C55232 RCRA waste no. U239 RCRA waste number U239 UN 1307 Violet 3 XYLENES Xiloli [Italian] Xylene Xylene (mixed isomers) Xylene (o,m,p isomers) Xylene, isomers Xylene, mixed Xylene, mixed isomers, pure Xylenen [Dutch] Xylenes (isomers and mixture) Xylenes (mixed) Xylenes, total Xylol Xylole [German]
      pubchem generic registry name
      1330-20-7 8026-09-3
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url

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