
00150001_00175000/167402 Index

    167402 9002-84-0 AMIP 15M Aflon Algloflon Algoflon SV Algoflon, Flu
    on, Teflon, Tetran) Alkathene rxdg33 BDH 29-801 Balfon 7000
    Chromosorb T DLX-6000 Dixon 164 Duroid 5870 EK 1108GY-A Ethe
    ne, tetrafluoro-, homopolymer Ethicon PtFe Ethylene, tetrafl
    uoro-, polymer Ethylene, tetrafluoro-, polymers F 103 F 4K20
    F 4MB F 4Zh20 FBF 74D FN 3 FT-4 Fluo-Kem Fluon Fluon CD 023
    Fluon CD 042 Fluon CD 1 Fluon G163 Fluon G201 Fluon G4 Fluo
    n GPI Fluon L 169 Fluon L 169B Fluon L 170 Fluon L 171 Fluor
    o-gold Fluoroflex Fluorogold Fluorolon 4 Fluoropak 80 Fluoro
    plast 4 Fluoroplast 4B Fluoroplast 4D Fluoroplast 4M Fluorop
    ore FP 120

    Smiles: [Xx]C(F)(F)C([Xx])(F)F

    pdb file: 167402.pdb
    sdf file: 167402.sdf

    Please note: images may show incorrect connectivity due to improper geometry. We will be working to improve this situation. For now, the left image should be correct, and the other two are correct, if they match the first.

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance synonym
      9002-84-0 AMIP 15M Aflon Algloflon Algoflon SV Algoflon, Fluon, Teflon, Tetran) Alkathene rxdg33 BDH 29-801 Balfon 7000 Chromosorb T DLX-6000 Dixon 164 Duroid 5870 EK 1108GY-A Ethene, tetrafluoro-, homopolymer Ethicon PtFe Ethylene, tetrafluoro-, polymer Ethylene, tetrafluoro-, polymers F 103 F 4K20 F 4MB F 4Zh20 FBF 74D FN 3 FT-4 Fluo-Kem Fluon Fluon CD 023 Fluon CD 042 Fluon CD 1 Fluon G163 Fluon G201 Fluon G4 Fluon GPI Fluon L 169 Fluon L 169B Fluon L 170 Fluon L 171 Fluoro-gold Fluoroflex Fluorogold Fluorolon 4 Fluoropak 80 Fluoroplast 4 Fluoroplast 4B Fluoroplast 4D Fluoroplast 4M Fluoropore FP 120
      pubchem generic registry name
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      pubchem ext substance url

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