
00175001_00200000/175141 Index

    175141 100777-03-5 102735-76-2 113595-38-3 120038-12-2 124401-72-5
    12612-63-4 131160-29-7 190386-13-1 195065-75-9 204842-55-7 2
    6027-38-3 27942-26-3 28776-15-0 29319-48-0 31691-97-1 37330-
    04-4 39042-04-1 4-Nonylphenol decaglycol ether 52440-22-9 56
    214-26-7 58339-76-7 68858-84-4 69154-14-9 70025-66-0 78009-0
    8-2 86243-62-1 86727-29-9 9002-95-3 9014-90-8 96827-63-3 APS
    A 80 Advantage 24 Akyporox NP 150 Amway APSA 80 Amway All Pu
    rpose Spray Adjuvant Bion NE 9 Conceptrol Cremophor NP 10 Cr
    emophor NP 14 Decaethylene glycol mono(p-nonylphenyl) ether
    Decaethylene glycol p-nonylphenyl ether Delfen Egyptol Emko
    Emulan 30 Emulan 40 Encare oval Ethoxylated p-nonyl phenol G
    entersal Glycols, polyethylene, mono(p-nonylphenyl) ether Gy
    nol II HSDB 7217 Hyoxyd X 100 Hyoxyd X 200 Hyoxyd X 400 Icon
    ol NP 100 Imbetin

    Smiles: O(CCO)c1ccc(CCCCCCCCC)cc1

    pdb file: 175141.pdb
    sdf file: 175141.sdf

    Please note: images may show incorrect connectivity due to improper geometry. We will be working to improve this situation. For now, the left image should be correct, and the other two are correct, if they match the first.

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance synonym
      100777-03-5 102735-76-2 113595-38-3 120038-12-2 124401-72-5 12612-63-4 131160-29-7 190386-13-1 195065-75-9 204842-55-7 26027-38-3 27942-26-3 28776-15-0 29319-48-0 31691-97-1 37330-04-4 39042-04-1 4-Nonylphenol decaglycol ether 52440-22-9 56214-26-7 58339-76-7 68858-84-4 69154-14-9 70025-66-0 78009-08-2 86243-62-1 86727-29-9 9002-95-3 9014-90-8 96827-63-3 APSA 80 Advantage 24 Akyporox NP 150 Amway APSA 80 Amway All Purpose Spray Adjuvant Bion NE 9 Conceptrol Cremophor NP 10 Cremophor NP 14 Decaethylene glycol mono(p-nonylphenyl) ether Decaethylene glycol p-nonylphenyl ether Delfen Egyptol Emko Emulan 30 Emulan 40 Encare oval Ethoxylated p-nonyl phenol Gentersal Glycols, polyethylene, mono(p-nonylphenyl) ether Gynol II HSDB 7217 Hyoxyd X 100 Hyoxyd X 200 Hyoxyd X 400 Iconol NP 100 Imbetin
      pubchem generic registry name
      100777-03-5 102735-76-2 113595-38-3 120038-12-2 124401-72-5 12612-63-4 131160-29-7 190386-13-1 195065-75-9 204842-55-7 26027-38-3 27942-26-3 28776-15-0 29319-48-0 31691-97-1 37330-04-4 39042-04-1 52440-22-9 56214-26-7 58339-76-7 68858-84-4 69154-14-9 70025-66-0 78009-08-2 86243-62-1 86727-29-9 9002-95-3 9014-90-8 96827-63-3
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url
      pubchem cid associations
      7700 1

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