
00175001_00200000/177452 Index

    177452 1,2,3-Propanetriol monooctadecanoate 100041-47-2 109767-98-8
    110618-11-6 119758-60-0 12676-39-0 1319-95-5 146586-29-0 15
    0605-03-1 177645-80-6 209533-94-8 31566-31-1 37297-05-5 5596
    2-68-0 58615-57-9 61163-94-8 64366-44-5 69073-02-5 8029-22-9
    8039-58-5 8045-31-6 8050-92-8 86904-15-6 AI3-00966 Abracol
    S.L.G. Admul Advawax 140 Aldo HMS Aldo MS Aldo-28 Aldo-72 Ar
    lacel 161 Arlacel 169 Armostat 801 Atmos 150 Atmul 124 Atmul
    67 Atmul 84 Cefatin Celinhol - A Cerasynt 1000-D Cerasynt S
    Cerasynt SD Cerasynt SE Cerasynt WM Citomulgan M Cyclochem
    GMS Dermagine Distearin Drewmulse TP Drewmulse V Drumulse AA
    EINECS 250-705-4 EMUL P.7 Emcol CA Emcol MSK Emerest 2400 E
    merest 2401 Estol 603 GLYCEROL MONOSTEARATE Glycerin monoste
    arate Glyceryl monooctadecanoate Glyceryl monostearate Glyce


    pdb file: 177452.pdb
    sdf file: 177452.sdf

    Please note: images may show incorrect connectivity due to improper geometry. We will be working to improve this situation. For now, the left image should be correct, and the other two are correct, if they match the first.

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance synonym
      1,2,3-Propanetriol monooctadecanoate 100041-47-2 109767-98-8 110618-11-6 119758-60-0 12676-39-0 1319-95-5 146586-29-0 150605-03-1 177645-80-6 209533-94-8 31566-31-1 37297-05-5 55962-68-0 58615-57-9 61163-94-8 64366-44-5 69073-02-5 8029-22-9 8039-58-5 8045-31-6 8050-92-8 86904-15-6 AI3-00966 Abracol S.L.G. Admul Advawax 140 Aldo HMS Aldo MS Aldo-28 Aldo-72 Arlacel 161 Arlacel 169 Armostat 801 Atmos 150 Atmul 124 Atmul 67 Atmul 84 Cefatin Celinhol - A Cerasynt 1000-D Cerasynt S Cerasynt SD Cerasynt SE Cerasynt WM Citomulgan M Cyclochem GMS Dermagine Distearin Drewmulse TP Drewmulse V Drumulse AA EINECS 250-705-4 EMUL P.7 Emcol CA Emcol MSK Emerest 2400 Emerest 2401 Estol 603 GLYCEROL MONOSTEARATE Glycerin monostearate Glyceryl monooctadecanoate Glyceryl monostearate Glyceryl
      pubchem generic registry name
      100041-47-2 109767-98-8 110618-11-6 119758-60-0 12676-39-0 1319-95-5 146586-29-0 150605-03-1 177645-80-6 209533-94-8 31566-31-1 37297-05-5 55962-68-0 58615-57-9 61163-94-8 64366-44-5 69073-02-5 8029-22-9 8039-58-5 8045-31-6 8050-92-8 86904-15-6
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url
      pubchem cid associations
      24699 1

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