
00175001_00200000/179456 Index

    179456 1,3-Benzenediamine, 4-methoxy-, sulfate (1:1) 1,3-Diamino-4-
    methoxybenzene sulphate 108066-98-4 2,4-DAA sulfate 2,4-DIAM
    INOANISOLE SULFATE 2,4-Diamino-1-methoxybenzene sulphate 2,4
    -Diamino-anisol sulphate 2,4-Diaminoanisile sulfate 2,4-Diam
    inoanisole sulfate trihydrate 2,4-Diaminoanisole sulphate 2,
    4-Diaminosole sulphate 39156-41-7 4-Methoxy-1,3-benzenediami
    ne sulfate 4-Methoxy-1,3-benzenediamine sulfate (1:1) 4-Meth
    oxy-1,3-benzenediamine sulphate 4-Methoxy-m-phenylenediamine
    sulfate 4-Methoxy-m-phenylenediamine sulphate 4-Methoxy-m-p
    henylenediammonium sulphate 615-05-4 Anisole, 2,4-diamino-,
    hydrogen sulfate Anisole, 2,4-diamino-, sulfate BASF Ursol S
    LA C.I. 76051 C.I. Oxidation Base 12A CCRIS 3513 CI 76051 CI
    Oxidation Base 12A Durafur Brown MN EINECS 254-323-9 Fouram
    ine BA Fourrine 76 Fourrine SLA Furro SLA HSDB 5076 NCI-C019
    89 Nako TSA Oxidation Base 12A Pelagol BA Pelagol Grey Pelag
    ol Grey SLA Pelagol SLA Renal SLA Ursol SLA Zoba SLE

    Smiles: S(=O)(=O)(O)O.COc1ccc(N)cc1N

    pdb file: 179456.pdb
    sdf file: 179456.sdf

    Please note: images may show incorrect connectivity due to improper geometry. We will be working to improve this situation. For now, the left image should be correct, and the other two are correct, if they match the first.

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance synonym
      1,3-Benzenediamine, 4-methoxy-, sulfate (1:1) 1,3-Diamino-4-methoxybenzene sulphate 108066-98-4 2,4-DAA sulfate 2,4-DIAMINOANISOLE SULFATE 2,4-Diamino-1-methoxybenzene sulphate 2,4-Diamino-anisol sulphate 2,4-Diaminoanisile sulfate 2,4-Diaminoanisole sulfate trihydrate 2,4-Diaminoanisole sulphate 2,4-Diaminosole sulphate 39156-41-7 4-Methoxy-1,3-benzenediamine sulfate 4-Methoxy-1,3-benzenediamine sulfate (1:1) 4-Methoxy-1,3-benzenediamine sulphate 4-Methoxy-m-phenylenediamine sulfate 4-Methoxy-m-phenylenediamine sulphate 4-Methoxy-m-phenylenediammonium sulphate 615-05-4 Anisole, 2,4-diamino-, hydrogen sulfate Anisole, 2,4-diamino-, sulfate BASF Ursol SLA C.I. 76051 C.I. Oxidation Base 12A CCRIS 3513 CI 76051 CI Oxidation Base 12A Durafur Brown MN EINECS 254-323-9 Fouramine BA Fourrine 76 Fourrine SLA Furro SLA HSDB 5076 NCI-C01989 Nako TSA Oxidation Base 12A Pelagol BA Pelagol Grey Pelagol Grey SLA Pelagol SLA Renal SLA Ursol SLA Zoba SLE
      pubchem generic registry name
      108066-98-4 39156-41-7 615-05-4
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url
      pubchem cid associations
      38221 1 1118 2 11976 2

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