
00175001_00200000/179942 Index

    179942 41198-08-7 61230-42-0 61287-51-2 AI3-29236 BRN 2150258 CGA 1
    5324 Caswell No. 266AA Curacron EINECS 255-255-2 EPA Pestici
    de Chemical Code 111401 HSDB 6992 O-(4-Bromo-2-chlorophenyl)
    O-ethyl S-propyl phosphorothioate O-(4-Bromo-2-chlorophenyl
    )-O-ethyl-S-propyl phosphorothioate O-(4-Bromo-2-chloropheny
    l)-O-ethyl-S-propylphosphorothioate PROFENOFOS Phosphorothio
    ic acid, O-(4-bromo-2-chlorophenyl) O-ethyl S-propyl ester P
    hosphorothioic acid, O-(4-bromo-2-chlorophenyl) O-ethyl S-pr
    opyl ester (9CI) Phosphorothioic acid, O-(4-bromo-2-chloroph
    enyl)-O-ethyl S-propyl ester Phosphorothioic acid, O-(4-brom
    o-2-chlorophenyl)-O-ethyl-S-propyl ester Polycron Profenofos
    [ANSI:BSI:ISO] Selecron

    Smiles: Brc1ccc(OP(=O)(OCC)SCCC)c(Cl)c1

    pdb file: 179942.pdb
    sdf file: 179942.sdf

    Please note: images may show incorrect connectivity due to improper geometry. We will be working to improve this situation. For now, the left image should be correct, and the other two are correct, if they match the first.

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance synonym
      41198-08-7 61230-42-0 61287-51-2 AI3-29236 BRN 2150258 CGA 15324 Caswell No. 266AA Curacron EINECS 255-255-2 EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 111401 HSDB 6992 O-(4-Bromo-2-chlorophenyl) O-ethyl S-propyl phosphorothioate O-(4-Bromo-2-chlorophenyl)-O-ethyl-S-propyl phosphorothioate O-(4-Bromo-2-chlorophenyl)-O-ethyl-S-propylphosphorothioate PROFENOFOS Phosphorothioic acid, O-(4-bromo-2-chlorophenyl) O-ethyl S-propyl ester Phosphorothioic acid, O-(4-bromo-2-chlorophenyl) O-ethyl S-propyl ester (9CI) Phosphorothioic acid, O-(4-bromo-2-chlorophenyl)-O-ethyl S-propyl ester Phosphorothioic acid, O-(4-bromo-2-chlorophenyl)-O-ethyl-S-propyl ester Polycron Profenofos [ANSI:BSI:ISO] Selecron
      pubchem generic registry name
      41198-08-7 61230-42-0 61287-51-2
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url
      pubchem cid associations
      38779 1

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