
00175001_00200000/198692 Index

Please note: images may show incorrect connectivity due to improper geometry. We will be working to improve this situation. For now, the left image should be correct, and the other two are correct, if they match the first.

198692 119573-97-6 221007-06-3 37224-34-3 37224-35-4 55126-05-1 60676-86-0 AF-SO 25R Accusand Admafine SO 25H Admafine SO 25R Admafine SO 32H Admafine SO-C 2 Admafine SO-C 3 Amorphous quartz Amorphous silica Amorphous silica: Vitreous silica, quartz glass, fused silica As 1 (silica) BF 100 Borsil P CP-SilicaPLOT CRS 1102RD8 Corning 7940 Cryptocrystalline quartz Denka F 90 Denka FB 30 Denka FB 44 Denka FB 74 Denka FS 30 ED-C (silica) EF 10 EINECS 262-373-8 EQ 912 Elsil 100 Elsil BF 100 F 125 F 125 (silica) F 160 (silica) F 44 F 44 (filler) FB 20 (silica) FB 5 (silica) FS 74
pdb file: 198692.pdb
sdf file: 198692.sdf

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PubChem Fields

    pubchem_substance_version: 3
    pubchem_ext_datasource_name: ChemIDplus
    pubchem_ext_datasource_regid: 060676860
    pubchem_substance_synonym: 119573-97-6 221007-06-3 37224-34-3 37224-35-4 55126-05-1 60676-86-0 AF-SO 25R Accusand Admafine SO 25H Admafine SO 25R Admafine SO 32H Admafine SO-C 2 Admafine SO-C 3 Amorphous quartz Amorphous silica Amorphous silica: Vitreous silica, quartz glass, fused silica As 1 (silica) BF 100 Borsil P CP-SilicaPLOT CRS 1102RD8 Corning 7940 Cryptocrystalline quartz Denka F 90 Denka FB 30 Denka FB 44 Denka FB 74 Denka FS 30 ED-C (silica) EF 10 EINECS 262-373-8 EQ 912 Elsil 100 Elsil BF 100 F 125 F 125 (silica) F 160 (silica) F 44 F 44 (filler) FB 20 (silica) FB 5 (silica) FS 74
    pubchem_generic_registry_name: 119573-97-6 221007-06-3 37224-34-3 37224-35-4 55126-05-1 60676-86-0
    pubchem_xref_ext_id: 060676860

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