
00400001_00425000/407614 Index

    407614 9002-89-5 Alcotex 17F-H Alcotex 88/05 Alcotex 88/10 Alcotex
    99/10 Alkotex Alvyl Aracet APV Cipoviol W 72 Covol Covol 971
    EP 160 Elvanol Elvanol 50-42 Elvanol 51-05G Elvanol 5105 El
    vanol 52-22 Elvanol 52-22G Elvanol 522-22 Elvanol 70-05 Elva
    nol 71-30 Elvanol 73125G Elvanol 90-50 Elvanol T 25 Enbra OV
    Ethenol, homopolymer FH 1500 GH 20 GL 02 GL 03 GLO 5 GM 14
    Gelvatol Gelvatol 1-30 Gelvatol 1-60 Gelvatol 1-90 Gelvatol
    20-30 Gelvatol 2060 Gelvatol 2090 Gelvatol 3-91 Gohsenol Goh
    senol AH 22 Gohsenol GH Gohsenol GH 17 Gohsenol GH 20 Gohsen
    ol GH 23 Gohsenol GL 03 Gohsenol GL 05 Gohsenol GL

    Smiles: [Xx].[Xx].[Xx].OC=C

    pdb file: 407614.pdb
    sdf file: 407614.sdf

    Please note: images may show incorrect connectivity due to improper geometry. We will be working to improve this situation. For now, the left image should be correct, and the other two are correct, if they match the first.

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      pubchem substance comment
      DTP/NCI from molfile. Release-June 2007. Structure Evaluation:No Comparision - Error parsing formula suffix - x. Deposition record created from database webdb on host on Feb 22, 2008
      pubchem substance synonym
      9002-89-5 Alcotex 17F-H Alcotex 88/05 Alcotex 88/10 Alcotex 99/10 Alkotex Alvyl Aracet APV Cipoviol W 72 Covol Covol 971 EP 160 Elvanol Elvanol 50-42 Elvanol 51-05G Elvanol 5105 Elvanol 52-22 Elvanol 52-22G Elvanol 522-22 Elvanol 70-05 Elvanol 71-30 Elvanol 73125G Elvanol 90-50 Elvanol T 25 Enbra OV Ethenol, homopolymer FH 1500 GH 20 GL 02 GL 03 GLO 5 GM 14 Gelvatol Gelvatol 1-30 Gelvatol 1-60 Gelvatol 1-90 Gelvatol 20-30 Gelvatol 2060 Gelvatol 2090 Gelvatol 3-91 Gohsenol Gohsenol AH 22 Gohsenol GH Gohsenol GH 17 Gohsenol GH 20 Gohsenol GH 23 Gohsenol GL 03 Gohsenol GL 05 Gohsenol GL
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