
00400001_00425000/408305 Index

    408305 103-90-2 4'-Hydroxyacetanilide 4-Acetamidophenol 4-Acetamino
    phenol 4-Hydroxyacetanilide APAP Abensanil Acamol Accu-Tap A
    cetagesic Acetalgin Acetamide, N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- Acetamid
    e, N-(p-hydroxyphenyl)- Acetaminofen Acetaminophen Acetanili
    de, 4'-hydroxy- Algotropyl Alpiny Alvedon Amadil Anaflon Ana
    pap Anelix Anhiba Apadon Apamid Apamide Ben-u-ron Bickie-mol
    Calpol Cetadol Clixodyne Conacetol Datril Dial-A-Gesic Dimi
    ndol Dirox Dularin Dymadon Dypap Elixodyne Eneril Febridol F
    ebrilix Febrinol Febro-Gesic Febrolin Fendon Fevor Finimal G
    1 G-1 Gelocatil Hedex Homoolan Injectapap Janupap Korum Les
    temp Liquagesic Lonarid Lyteca Lyteca Syrup Multin N-(4-Hydr
    oxyphenyl)acetamide N-Acetyl-4-aminophenol N-Acetyl-p-aminop
    henol NAPA NAPAP NCI-C55801 NSC109028 Napafen Naprinol Nealg
    yl Nebs Neotrend Nobedon Pacemo Painex Panadol Panets Parace
    t Paracetamol Paracetamol DC Paracetamole Paracetanol Parapa
    n Parmol Pedric Phendon Phenol, p-acetamido- Prompt

    Smiles: Oc1ccc(cc1)NC(=O)C

    pdb file: 408305.pdb
    sdf file: 408305.sdf

    Please note: images may show incorrect connectivity due to improper geometry. We will be working to improve this situation. For now, the left image should be correct, and the other two are correct, if they match the first.

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      pubchem total charge
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      pubchem substance comment
      DTP/NCI from molfile. Release-June 2007. Structure Evaluation:Consistent with Molecular Formula. Deposition record created from database webdb on host on Feb 22, 2008
      pubchem substance synonym
      103-90-2 4'-Hydroxyacetanilide 4-Acetamidophenol 4-Acetaminophenol 4-Hydroxyacetanilide APAP Abensanil Acamol Accu-Tap Acetagesic Acetalgin Acetamide, N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)Acetamide, N-(p-hydroxyphenyl)Acetaminofen Acetaminophen Acetanilide, 4'-hydroxyAlgotropyl Alpiny Alvedon Amadil Anaflon Anapap Anelix Anhiba Apadon Apamid Apamide Ben-u-ron Bickie-mol Calpol Cetadol Clixodyne Conacetol Datril Dial-A-Gesic Dimindol Dirox Dularin Dymadon Dypap Elixodyne Eneril Febridol Febrilix Febrinol Febro-Gesic Febrolin Fendon Fevor Finimal G 1 G-1 Gelocatil Hedex Homoolan Injectapap Janupap Korum Lestemp Liquagesic Lonarid Lyteca Lyteca Syrup Multin N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)acetamide N-Acetyl-4-aminophenol N-Acetyl-p-aminophenol NAPA NAPAP NCI-C55801 NSC109028 Napafen Naprinol Nealgyl Nebs Neotrend Nobedon Pacemo Painex Panadol Panets Paracet Paracetamol Paracetamol DC Paracetamole Paracetanol Parapan Parmol Pedric Phendon Phenol, p-acetamidoPrompt
      pubchem generic registry name
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      pubchem cid associations
      1983 1

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