
00575001_00600000/580482 Index

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580482 Monoclonal Antibody to TAC Conjugated to Pseudomonas Exotoxin (not the same as NSC 377524) NSC600665
pdb file: 580482.pdb
sdf file: 580482.sdf

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PubChem Fields

    pubchem_total_charge: 0
    pubchem_substance_id: 580482
    pubchem_substance_version: 2
    pubchem_ext_datasource_name: DTP/NCI
    pubchem_ext_datasource_regid: 600665
    pubchem_substance_comment: DTP/NCI from SANSS. Release-June 2007. Structure Evaluation:No Comparision - Unparameterized Atom - Mo. Deposition record created from database webdb on host on Feb 22, 2008
    pubchem_substance_synonym: Monoclonal Antibody to TAC Conjugated to Pseudomonas Exotoxin (not the same as NSC 377524) NSC600665
    pubchem_xref_ext_id: 600665
    pubchem_cid_associations: 23932 1

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