595782 36983-81-0 4408-78-0 AIDS-001236 AIDS001236 NSC138745 PAA Phosphonoacetic acid
pdb file: 595782.pdb sdf file: 595782.sdf
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PubChem Fields
pubchem_total_charge: 0
pubchem_substance_id: 597025
pubchem_substance_version: 4
pubchem_ext_datasource_name: NIAID
pubchem_ext_datasource_regid: 001236
pubchem_substance_comment: NIAID - Anti-HIV/OI Chemical Compound Database PHOSPHONOACETATES CARBOXYLIC ACIDS
pubchem_substance_synonym: 36983-81-0 4408-78-0 AIDS-001236 AIDS001236 NSC138745 PAA Phosphonoacetic acid
pubchem_generic_registry_name: 36983-81-0 4408-78-0
pubchem_xref_ext_id: 001236 AIDS001236
pubchem_pubmed_id: 205792 210500 217300 223163 526011 853505 1663733 2425731 2452149 2521518 2561336 2842506 2847634 3010855 6245699 6249191 6282207 6289741 6324667 6331298 7247370 7486956 7492121 7649195 10806300 10809021 11238836 12097601 15168799 15728906
pubchem_ext_datasource_url: http://chemdb.niaid.nih.gov/struct_search/an/an_search.htm
pubchem_ext_substance_url: http://chemdb.niaid.nih.gov/struct_search/all/url_search.asp?aids_no=001236
pubchem_cid_associations: 546 1
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