
00600001_00625000/603217 Index

603217 AIDS-008402 AIDS008402 CRL8131 Nonionic block copolymer consisting of a single chain of hydrophobicpolyoxopropylene sandwiched between two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylenewith an average molecular weight of 4000 and a relative hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance of 10
pdb file: 603217.pdb
sdf file: 603217.sdf

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PubChem Fields

    pubchem_substance_version: 4
    pubchem_ext_datasource_name: NIAID
    pubchem_ext_datasource_regid: 008402
    pubchem_substance_comment: NIAID - Anti-HIV/OI Chemical Compound Database ANTITUBERCULOUS AGENTS SURFACTANTS COPOLYMERS
    pubchem_substance_synonym: AIDS-008402 AIDS008402 CRL8131 Nonionic block copolymer consisting of a single chain of hydrophobicpolyoxopropylene sandwiched between two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylenewith an average molecular weight of 4000 and a relative hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance of 10
    pubchem_xref_ext_id: 008402 AIDS008402
    pubchem_pubmed_id: 7574529 8285605 8593005

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