
00625001_00650000/625067 Index

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625067 AIDS-063003 AIDS063003 Bloodroot Red puccoon, Puccoon, Tetterwort, Redroot, Pauson, Turmeric, Indian paint, Sanguinare, Blutwurzel Sanguinaria canadensis (Papaveraceae), extract Sanguinaria canadensis SC-M Sanguinaria canadensis SC-W
pdb file: 625067.pdb
sdf file: 625067.sdf

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PubChem Fields

    pubchem_substance_version: 3
    pubchem_ext_datasource_name: NIAID
    pubchem_ext_datasource_regid: 063003
    pubchem_substance_comment: NIAID - Anti-HIV/OI Chemical Compound Database EXTRACTS, PLANT
    pubchem_substance_synonym: AIDS-063003 AIDS063003 Bloodroot Red puccoon, Puccoon, Tetterwort, Redroot, Pauson, Turmeric, Indian paint, Sanguinare, Blutwurzel Sanguinaria canadensis (Papaveraceae), extract Sanguinaria canadensis SC-M Sanguinaria canadensis SC-W
    pubchem_xref_ext_id: 063003 AIDS063003
    pubchem_pubmed_id: 11744296

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