
00675001_00700000/695746 Index

    695746 01P 198905-58-7 2,5,8,10-Tetraoxatridec-12-enoic acid, 9-oxo
    -, 2-propenyl ester, homopolymer 25656-90-0 31292-51-0 95567
    -48-9 Allur Allyl diglycol carbonate homopolymer Baryotrak C
    R 307 CR 39 Carbonic acid, oxydiethylene diallyl ester, poly
    mers Diallyl diethylene glycol dicarbonate polymer Diethylen
    e glycol bis(allyl carbonate) homopolymer Diethylene glycol
    bis(allyl carbonate) polymer Diethylene glycol diallyl carbo
    nate homopolymer Harzlas TD 1 Homalite 911 Lantrak 1 Lantrak
    2 ORMA ORMA 1000 PADC PM 355 PM 500 PM 600 PN 3 (allyl poly
    mer) PS 32 (polymer) Patras Poly(allyl diethyleneglycol carb
    onate) Poly(allyl diglycol carbonate) Poly(diethylene glycol
    bis(allyl carbonate)) Poly(diethylene glycol diallyl carbon
    ate) Poly(diethylene glycol diallyl dicarbonate) Seiko Plax

    Smiles: O(CCOCCOC(=O)OCC=C)C(=O)OCC=C

    pdb file: 695746.pdb
    sdf file: 695746.sdf

    Please note: images may show incorrect connectivity due to improper geometry. We will be working to improve this situation. For now, the left image should be correct, and the other two are correct, if they match the first.

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    PubChem Fields

      pubchem total charge
      pubchem substance id
      pubchem substance version
      pubchem ext datasource name
      pubchem ext datasource regid
      pubchem substance synonym
      01P 198905-58-7 2,5,8,10-Tetraoxatridec-12-enoic acid, 9-oxo-, 2-propenyl ester, homopolymer 25656-90-0 31292-51-0 95567-48-9 Allur Allyl diglycol carbonate homopolymer Baryotrak CR 307 CR 39 Carbonic acid, oxydiethylene diallyl ester, polymers Diallyl diethylene glycol dicarbonate polymer Diethylene glycol bis(allyl carbonate) homopolymer Diethylene glycol bis(allyl carbonate) polymer Diethylene glycol diallyl carbonate homopolymer Harzlas TD 1 Homalite 911 Lantrak 1 Lantrak 2 ORMA ORMA 1000 PADC PM 355 PM 500 PM 600 PN 3 (allyl polymer) PS 32 (polymer) Patras Poly(allyl diethyleneglycol carbonate) Poly(allyl diglycol carbonate) Poly(diethylene glycol bis(allyl carbonate)) Poly(diethylene glycol diallyl carbonate) Poly(diethylene glycol diallyl dicarbonate) Seiko Plax Tastrak
      pubchem generic registry name
      198905-58-7 25656-90-0 31292-51-0 95567-48-9
      pubchem xref ext id
      pubchem ext datasource url
      pubchem ext substance url
      pubchem cid associations
      8879 1

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