818874 -OEChem-06260803543D 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V2000 20.2140 18.9260 53.9700 Ca 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M CHG 1 1 2 M END > 0 > 2 > 818874 > 6 > MMDB > CA > 9489.5 > PDB Accession Code 1A0J Crystal Structure Of A Non-Psychrophilic Trypsin From A Cold-Adapted Fish Species. Serine Protease Crystal Structure Of A Non-Psychrophilic Trypsin From A Cold-Adapted Fish Species. Serine Proteinase, Trypsin, Hydrolase Mol_id: 1; Molecule: Trypsin; Chain: A, B, C, D; Ec:; Other_details: Benzamidine Inhibitor In The Active Site. The Amino Acid Numbering Scheme Used Is Adopted From Chymotrypsinogen. > CA > 9489.5 > 9489 > http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/MMDB/mmdb.shtml > http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/mmdb/mmdbsrv.cgi?uid=9489 > 271 1 5460341 2 $$$$