
emplets Molecules Structural Archive and Gallery

7447-40-7 Chloropotassuril Chlorvescent Emplets potassium chloride Enseal K-Contin K-Lor K-Lyte/Cl KCl-retard Zyma Kalitabs Kaochlor Kaon-Cl Kay Ciel Kay-EM Klor-Con Klor-Lyte Kloren Klotrix NSC77368 Pfiklor Potassium chloride Potassium chloride (KCl) Potassium monochloride Potassium thallium chloride (KTlCl) Potavescent Rekawan Slow-K WLN: KA G component of K-Predne-Dome component of Kadalex

pdb file: 118218.pdb
sdf file: 118218.sdf
directory: 118218