
phenyl guaiacuran Molecules Structural Archive and Gallery

.alpha.-Glyceryl guaiacol ether .alpha.-Glyceryl guaiacolate ether 1,2,3-Propanetriol, ether with 2-methoxyphenol 1,2-Dihydroxy-3-(2-methoxyphenoxy)propane 1,2-Propanediol, 3-(2-methoxyphenoxy)- 1,2-Propanediol, 3-(o-methoxyphenoxy)- 2-G 2/G 3-(2-Methoxyphenoxy)-1,2-propanediol 3-(o-Methoxyphenoxy)-1,2-propanediol 3-(o-Methoxyphenoxy)-propanediol-1,2 3-o-Methoxyphenoxypropane 1:2-diol 93-14-1 Aeronesin Aresol Breonesin Bronchol Calmipan Cortussin Creson Dilyn Dorassin Flartussin G 87 GGG Gaiamar Glycerin guaiacolate Glycerin monoguaiacol ether Glycerol .alpha.-(2-methoxyphenyl) ether Glycerol .alpha.-(o-methoxyphenyl)ether Glycerol .alpha.-guaiacyl ether Glycerol .alpha.-guiacyl ether Glycerol .alpha.-monoguaiacol ether Glycerol guaiacolate Glycerol mono(2-methoxyphenyl) ether Glyceryl guaiacol Glyceryl guaiacol ether Glyceryl guaiacolate Glyceryl guaiacolate ether Glyceryl guaiacyl ether Glyceryl guaicolate Glyceryl guiacolate Glycotuss Guaia-rom Guaiacol glycerin ether Guaiacol glycerol ether Guaiacol glyceryl ether Guaiacolglicerinetere Guaiacolic acid, ester with glycerol Guaiacuran Guaiacurane Guaiacyl glyceryl

pdb file: 109405.pdb
sdf file: 109405.sdf
directory: 109405