
phenyl monohydroxybenzene Molecules Structural Archive and Gallery

108-95-2 Acide carbolique Baker's P & S liquid & Ointment Baker's P and S Liquid and Ointment Benzenol Carbolic acid Carbolic acid, liquid Fenol Fenolo Hydroxybenzene Izal Monohydroxybenzene Monophenol NCI-C50124 NSC36808 Oxybenzene PHENOL Paoscle PhOH Phenic acid Phenol (liquid) Phenol, liquefied Phenol, liquid Phenol, synthetic Phenole Phenyl alcohol Phenyl hydrate Phenyl hydroxide Phenylic acid Phenylic alcohol Synthetic phenol WLN: QR

pdb file: 93335.pdb
sdf file: 93335.sdf
directory: 93335