597526 -OEChem-07250805132D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V2000 M END > 597526 > 3 > NIAID > 001774 > NIAID - Anti-HIV/OI Chemical Compound Database CD4 INHIBITORS RIBOSOME INHIBITORS PROTEIN SYNTHESIS INHIBITORS ANTIBODIES, MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY CONJUGATES TOXIN CONJUGATES > AIDS-001774 AIDS001774 PAP-anti-CD4 Pokeweed antiviral prot/anti CD4mAb Pokeweed antiviral protein( PAP) conjugated with monoclonal Antibody reactive with CD4 > 001774 AIDS001774 > 1975641 8494381 9527790 > http://chemdb.niaid.nih.gov/struct_search/an/an_search.htm > http://chemdb.niaid.nih.gov/struct_search/all/url_search.asp?aids_no=001774 $$$$