603227 -OEChem-02060822442D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V2000 M END > 603227 > 4 > NIAID > 008402 > NIAID - Anti-HIV/OI Chemical Compound Database ANTITUBERCULOUS AGENTS SURFACTANTS COPOLYMERS > AIDS-008402 AIDS008402 CRL8131 Nonionic block copolymer consisting of a single chain of hydrophobicpolyoxopropylene sandwiched between two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylenewith an average molecular weight of 4000 and a relative hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance of 10% Protox > 008402 AIDS008402 > 7574529 8285605 8593005 > http://chemdb.niaid.nih.gov/struct_search/an/an_search.htm > http://chemdb.niaid.nih.gov/struct_search/all/url_search.asp?aids_no=008402 $$$$